Most of the time I would like to share, but I am not very good at public speaking. Anyway, happened to have these chances to tell a story.
10 APR |The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong// Art is land 見㠀 Sharing
8 MAY | HKBU Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary//Artist Residency School Prog Sharing
5 JUN | Tenjinyama Art Studio, Sapporo, Japan // Artist sharing
26 JUN | Tenjinyama Art Studio, Sapporo, Japan // Research Sharing 《浪接時空》
26 MAR | ACO Books 艺鵠書店// 白日╳灣仔大夢 : 城市夢境對話
25 MAR | Nowhere 飛地書店// 《拾香紀》陳慧 X 「灣仔大夢」吳暐君Sharon Ng(連線)
02 FEB | HKDI 香港知專設計學院// Artist Sharing at HD in Illustration
30 JUL | 尖沙咀牧羊少年與他的浮萍// 「記憶書寫」系列——文藝人對談 #2
30 AUG| Unfolding people's dreams, emotions and creativity during uncertain times EP17
20 OCT | Artist Talk @Hong Kong Baptist University Affiliated School Wong Kam Fai Secondary
19 MAR | Mellow Out 夕拾x閒社// 書山有路——行山書出版與收藏分享會
14 MAY | HKBOOKERA 閱讀時代// Book reading: The Body Keeps the Score
08 OCT | HKDI 香港知專設計學院// Artist Sharing at HD in Visual Art and Culture
16 FEB | Form Society 合舍// Jack Ciao Map Launch Party 2020
18 SEP | HKDI 香港知專設計學院// Artist Sharing at HD in Visual Communication
11 NOV | Chiang Chen Studio Theatre, PolyU// 香港青年藝術高峰會
09 SEP | ACO Books 艺鵠書店// 香港着草地圖搞事派對